A suitable combination of storage systems and cargo handling elements allows increasing the capacity of the warehouse. For that reason, in this article, we will see what different storage systems exist according to the handling of loads.
Storage Systems According To The Handling Of The Loads
Block Storage
This type of storage, also called stacking storage, is characterized by not using any kind of shelving structure. In this way, the loads, products, boxes, pallets, etc., are stacked on top of each other.
Bulk storage can save space when loads form compact blocks. Equally, they can suppose a saving in infrastructures. However, the height attainable by the stored load may be limited by the weight that the base of the product or load stack can bear or by the stability of the latter. You can go to the website if you have any questions
On the other hand, this storage system does not allow the FIFO (First In First Out) management of the loads since the first products to enter the warehouse are what is stored in the lower areas of the pile. The complications that this would entail are apparent, right?
And, what kind of products or charges can be stored in blocks? They will be all those products whose storage is not limited by their weight or by a need for FIFO management (metal blocks, washing machine-type appliances).
Storage With Shelves
The fundamental characteristic of this storage system is indicated in its name: the storage of the different loads and handling units is done through the use of shelves.
A rough classification of the different types of shelves that can be used in a warehouse would be the following.
Light Shelves
This type of shelving is frequently used in sectors such as the hardware store or the publishing house since they are suitable shelves for the storage of products or light handling units.
Shelves For Long Loads
We are talking about a shelf designed for the storage of products with elongated shapes (tubes, slats, wooden boards, metal profiles).
Special Shelves
As its name suggests, it is a shelf whose load does not match the rest of the types mentioned. They will be those that have been designed to accommodate handling units of weights or sizes out of the ordinary.
Automatic Storage
In addition to the previous systems, it is possible to carry out the process of storage and handling of loads automatically.
Several automatic systems can be applied to the management of a warehouse and on those that we have already dealt with in previous publications.