Types of Web Testing Tool

After seeing the increasing demand for automation testing, the software testing industry is on the boom. Now there are many different types of automation testing tools out there in the market. And more and more advanced testing tools are coming in the market, and it makes it difficult to choose what to take or not.

Automation testing tool types

One of the major issues that come when you go for automation testing that which automation testing tool you should go for. Because there are a wide variety of automation tools that are available in the market, and all tools are close competitors. But there are few certain things that you should look for while taking an automation testing tool.

  1. The automation tool has to be used as a friendly.
  2. It should test all the functionalities.
  3. It has to have the ability to recognize any object in any environment condition.
  4. The Tor mission testing tool should provide great test results.

Top automation testing tools for web application

There are many types of automation testing tools available in the market. After seeing them, you will get extremely confused. But to solve this issue, we have listed some of the top automation testing tools for web applications. You 100% rely on these tools because of these automation tools a handy and efficient for web application testing in any environment.


This automation testing tool comes with codeless scripting. Distressing tool office complete package of various different testing solutions like software testing web testing database testing API testing mobile application testing rigorous testing optimization and cross browsing testing as well. And it also has the SMTP integration

Test complete

It is a functional testing automation tool, and it performs and offers you were your solutions for your desktop web application mobile application. It actually offers you a few features like test visualizer script testing and test recording.


Ranorex is one of the most popular automation testing tools, and it offers you comprehensive cover testing across your web application and mobile application. Give you certain following features like GUI recognization bug detection integration with various tools, and the most highlighting feature is reusable test codes.


It is a testing automation tool for web application testing Android open source written in Java and JavaScript language. And it can also record and playback your testing results.

Tosca test suite

This automation tool is by tricentis. Resume model-based test automation, and it has the capability of plan and design test cases data progressions visualization network risk coverage integration management and few other different features as well.


This is an open-source automation testing tool made-up for Ruby libraries. Tools for the web application testing and the exact pronunciation for this tool is water. It offers you features like test any language-based web application cross-browser testing. And it is compatible with business-driven develop tools as well.

These are the few top web application tools in the market. There are more tools available, but these are mostly used once.